Saturday, January 06, 2007

30 Things

Ok, I could not come up with 100, but here are 30 things about me ...

1. I am an independent person.
2. I enjoy my friends and getting together with people regularly, but I also enjoy my alone time.
3. I feel nothing comes before family.
4. I am comfortable with my religion. I know what I believe to be true and do not let things shake my faith.
5. I have a hard time with people who do not have their own opinion or insights.
6. I enjoy being around people who are uplifting and enjoy life.
7. I prefer people who think outside of the box
9. I like to be around those who will help me become a better person.
10. I am a very impatient driver, and I don't know why.
11. I like organization and am a very routine person. I do not do well in chaos.
12. I enjoy being creative and don't like to be narrowed in thought and ideas.
13. I enjoy discussing ideas with others and talking through the right course of action but do not like to be told "no" without understanding all the facts.
14. I like to appear as a strong person, but am sad that other's don't recognize it is possible for me to be weak.
15. I am a sensative person, but I try not get easily offended.
16. I am the oldest of a large family.
17. I find it easy to stand up in front of a group of people when training, facilitating, or teaching, but do not feel comfortable giving a talk.
18. I have a better self-esteem than when I was younger.
19. I don't feel that money, education or status make someone better than some else.
20. I find it funny that people I work with think I have an MBA.
21. I always feel I am not doing enough for others when I receive so much.
22. If someone has broken my trust, I too easily turn off all feelings for that person. I forgive but will not trust again.
23. My mother keeps our family together, one day that responsibility will fall on me and I fear that I will do it well.
24. I enjoy reading fictional books that provide an introspect on life.
25. If I say I am going to do something, 95% of the time, I will do it.
26. I recognize that I am a perfectly average person - average in school, average in sports, average in talents - and I am OK with that.
27. I love decorating and organizing.
29. I love my neices and nephews and wish I lived closer to them.
30. I am lucky and grateful to be married to a wonderful husband that always puts me first.


Blogger jlk said...

31. My BFF rocks!

8:35 PM  
Blogger Debbie said...

oh i love your list and i could list at least another 70 amazing things about you. lets start with 31. i am greatful for my sister debbie and wish i lived closer to her. ok just kidding. i love and miss you.

dont forget my bday is in 1 week and i would like a trip to see you:) he he

love ya

12:48 PM  
Blogger Jake and Libby: said...

you know Bec... I don't think that your average at all. I think that you are amazing, and your talents far exceed the norm.

12:45 AM  
Blogger Debbie said...

you have been tagged...check out my site:)

4:50 PM  

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