Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Got the Nerve? Triathlon

This was a bit more fun the one I did last year. I was better prepared, knew what to expect and did not sprain my ankle 3 weeks before the race.

I improved my time by about 20 mins from last year's. I felt great on my swim, unfortunately when I caught up with Rebecca (she was in the grouping ahead of me) I noticed she was panicing a bit - the water was 60 degrees - so I slowed down and swam in with her. The bike was much harder than last year with a bit more distance, but I think I did well. The run ... ARGH - forget the turtle, I think I'm more like a snail!

Rebecca, Harris, me, Brenda getting ready in the staging area.

Ok, seriously, that water was COLD!

Harris finished the race and waited for Rebecca (his wife) to do the run with her. Aren't they so cute! Harris is an Ironman!

Seriously, do I even look like I'm running? I look like I'm walking but working really hard to look like I'm running - this is my 10 min pace.

Now Brenda, on the other hand, she's a tank!
Maybe by the time I get to the marathon, I will be a tad bit faster and be able to catch up to her.

So here's the crew at the end - still smiling.

And yes, did bring our man servants! Mike and Bill (Brenda's husband)!

Thanks guys! I had a great time and so look forward to the next one in a few weeks at Rocky Gap! This is the one Mike is doing with us!

16:30 to 15:52, 57:22 to 58:08, 51:47 to 31:31

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What's New

Sorry everyone, I haven't been blogging much lately (as you can see). Not too much has been going on.

I had a GREAT time at the Morey's in Boston and I really miss them - Sarah is so cute and snuggly, Ethan is just the sweetest little bug, Ben has such a good heart and is full of energy, Rachel is growing up so fast and kept me on training track! I look so forward to seeing them in the next few weeks for Sarah's blessing!

I was sad to hear that our team did not make it into the St. George Marathon - so I guess it will be Baltimore again this year - the full this time. I know, what's wrong with me!

Let's see, what else, I ran the Military 10K (6.2 miles) last Saturday for Armed Forces Day with some running friends. My friend Becky (who says she has never run that distance before) joined me and flew by me at record pace - nice - thanks for coming. Like I've said many times, I may not be fast, but I will make it to the finish line still running - not breathing, but running. I did it in 58 mins.

And this Saturday is my Sprint Triathlon (500 yard swim, 14 mile bike, 3.1 mile run). There are 4 of us in the Tri but 7 of us going up. We have to bring our two man servants. We are leaving at 5AM (joy). The weather is promising to be 70 degrees - I wonder what that means the lake will be - FREEZING! I may change the wetsuit I was planning on wearing ... do they provide hot tubs?

Wish me luck! I'll keep you posted.