Mouse in the House
You know how it always is, a 5 minute job turns into 2 hours ... well, a couple Saturdays ago I asked Mike to rehang the kayaks in the garage (as they have been sitting on the floor against the wall). So as he lifted them, we realized we have visitors that have not only been living in our garage, but have apparently dug a hole in our garage wall - ARGHH!
So, after two hours of vacuuming the mouse turds (love my shop vac), sweeping the garage, throwing out stuff, re-organizing, hanging the kayaks, and nailing in new baseboard, it was determined that our pest control company did NOT replace the mouse traps during their last visit. Good thing they were coming the following Friday.
A few days later I went into the basement and saw something slowly and painfully move across the floor. Apparently one of these little friends had found their way to the basement. To his demise, our cats found him. Unfortunately for this little mouse, our cats don't know what to do with a mouse, so they simply played and tortured it to death, but did not understand the concept of eating it. Stupid cats.
So, I left it there to share with pest control and have them clean it up.
After pest control cleaned up the mess and set up new traps in the garage and basement, we now cross our fingers that the cats have scared the chances of any other mice finding their way indoors.